Tahini Chocolate Chip Levain Bakery Inspired Cookies Recipe

Chocolate chip cookies with brown butter, tahini, halva, and chocolate chips. toasted exterior and chewy inside. nuttily sweet with caramelized halva and melting chocolate chips. 


– 1 ¼ c (150g) cake flour – 1 ¾ c (210) all purpose flour – 1 tsp cornstarch – ¾ tsp baking soda – 1 tsp salt – ¾ c (175g) browned butter, cold sub with ¾ c regular cold unsalted butter – ¼ c (56g) tahini, cold and well stirred – ¾ c (150g) light brown sugar – ½ c (100g) granulated sugar – 2 large egg – 1 c (130g) halva sub with more chocolate chips or pb chip – 2 c semi sweet chocolate chip


Rounded Banner With Dots


Heat 2 sticks (1 c) unsalted butter in a medium sauce pan over low-medium heat to brown. Whisk butter regularly when foamy. Foam rises and settles,

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leaving brown pan bottom chunks. Nuttish butter smells. Take butter off heat. Pour into heatproof container. Reach room temperature and refrigerate until firm.

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Heat the oven to 410F. Cover a large baking sheet with parchment. Set aside. Sift flours, cornstarch, baking soda, and salt. Whisk and reserve.

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Cream cold brown butter, tahini, brown and granulated sugars on low speed, then medium speed. Beat each egg for 20 seconds before adding the next.

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I prefer hand-mixing dry ingredients. Do not add ⅓ without flour. Mix halva and chocolate chips with wet mixture after adding ⅓ dry. Make flourless dough. Let chill 20 minutes.

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Food scale or measuring cup. Measure these cookies to 6oz. It makes the cookie big! Start with 4 6oz. cookies. While cookies bake, refrigerate the remaining dough.

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Remove cookies and cool on the hot baking sheet on a rack for 15 minutes. Cool the cookies on a cooling rack after removing them from the baking sheet.

also see

also see

Blood Orange Tahini Chocolate Chunk Cookies Recipe